Do you need to suffer to get a love ?
Live a life that is around you. All the pain, fears, and misery you go through in life comes when you live a life expected by your people. If your life is built based on other's expectations and perceptions, you will look at things only on a surface level. You will not understand things deeply about what these things meant for you. You do not understand the game of society and how it exploits you.
You will suffer something that does not matter to you. You live in other people
's life. The very purpose of life is to live a life we want to live, not what others are expecting. You know --at a subconscious level. Love is meant for happiness.
Then why do you suffer to get love? Because you have consumed a massive amount of information over different channels--movies, TV shows, fictional stories--that made your thought process and emotional state.
Unfortunately, most of what you have learned through these channels is making you weaker.
You do not need to suffer to get love. Let me remind you of the very purpose you look for love is to be happy, You cannot be happy if believe that love happens automatically to you.
So take the control of things and lead your happiness.
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